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Naples, FL

999 Spyglass by Claire Hach.

Home of pom pom shorts, the palm print, and whimsical trinkets.


Try the BEVERLY, it's delicious.. (Blog)

We thought we were hardcore Disney people... until we met you...!

Everything here is in jest. 

The Girls


Claire Hach

Jambo! Hi! Hello! 

Welcome to the blog- we're glad you're here. Try the Beverly-- It's delicious.

Here we'll take a playful look at the things about Disney that only a true Disney fan would notice! Enjoy!

Writing by: Ashley Hach

Censorship for the overtly offensive and creator of Disney Dad Hats: Claire Hach

Ashley and Claire have been taking trips to Disney World together for over 28 years. 

Casual Contemporary couch wrestling match circa 1995

Casual Contemporary couch wrestling match circa 1995